Hiking Trail

Guri i Kuq - 2522m
GURI KUQ is the highest peak in the municipality of Peja, which reaches a height of 2522m and is also the most attractive peak in Peja. It is located in the central part of Bjeshke i Nemuna or the north-south the mountains of Rugova.

Çfërla - 2461m
ÇFËRLA ranks among the most spectacular and attractive mountain peaks of Peja. This peak reaches the Mediterranean height of 2461m and is the second highest peak in the Peja municipality. It is located on the southwestern side of Peja and, together with other mounts, creates the crown and the stunning landscape of Peja

Hajla- 2403m
HAJLA: Located in the north-west of Peja or in the north of the mountain area of Rugova, the peak of Hajla, which reaches a height of 2403m, is one of the most fascinating and attractive peaks to climb in all seasons of the year.

Maja e Vjellakut- 2014m
MAJA E VJELLAKU, or trail number 7166, is part of the mountain ranges that form the crown of the city of Peja and are one of the most attractive peaks for hiking. At the same time, to reach this trail, one must follow the panorama road that crosses the winding road in the hills to Maje e Zeze.

Hasan's Peak - 1900m
Maja e Hasani is also a beautiful peak located in the northern part of the city of Peja. The part of the rocky face seen from the town of Peja made this peak even more attractive and stimulated the curiosity of many mountaineers and visitors to climb it. This peak reaches a height of 1900m while its ascent can be done from two sides.

Rusolia Peak - 2381m
Bjeshka e Rusolis: is one of the attractive mountains of Kosovo, which lies in the northern part of Peja on the borders with Montenegro. The highest point of this mountain is the peak with the same name as “Maja e Rusolis,” and it ranks among the peaks that reach a height of more than 2000m.