Cross-border procedures
Before you come, find out about the conditions for entering Montenegro, and other useful travel suggestions.
– You have to inform the police about the planned crossing at least 10 days in advance on the following email:, and CC to and You will receive an application form, which has to be filled out with the information about the members and the guide of the mountaineering group.
– Completed application form, signed and sealed, together with a scanned copy of the first page of the mountaineers’ and guide’ passport should be sent back to Kosovo police.
It is not necessary to pay any fee for border crossing to Kosovo police
When it comes to visas, the same conditions do not apply to everyone. See basic information on visa requirements by country.
Depending on which way you come to Montenegro, you will find yourself at one of the following border crossings:
Air traffic: Prishtina International Airports (
Shuttlebus Airport – Prishtina – It is a special line that runs every 2 hours starting from 08:00 to 24:00 and vice versa. It is a good opportunity for you to use this public line to reach the central station of Pristina or even other sub-stations as shown in the link and spent some times in capital city of Kosovo. ( )
Traveling by train: National line from Prishtina – Peja which takes place twice a day and the journey lasts 2 hours
- International line Prishtina – Skopje (North Macedonia) from where you can then travel to other countries of the world
- From Peja railway station to reach the city centre you can take a taxi or even walk, since you are only 15 minutes away from the centre. For more information, download the city map at
- Traveling by Bus: It is one of the modes of transport that offers fast and easy circulation and is mostly used by the residents of Kosovo. The connection of Peja destination with other cities within Kosovo has a very good operation. For more information, you can find the link