24 hour in Peja
Even if you only have one day at your disposal, it is possible to get to know Peja through the most attractive points that offer cultural and natural heritage.
In order to get to know Peja and its beauties in the short time you have available, we have planned the suggestion for you get knowledge about the city, history and culture of Peja as well as the natural attractions in the surroundings Peja.
You can start your journey with a morning coffee or macchiato in any of the bars in the main town square. Peja is known for the quality of coffee, especially macchiato, so a coffee in the morning will put you in a better mood to spend the day. Plan to start your visit from 09:00.
What we first suggest to you is the visit of the cultural heritage of the city of Peja through which you will create an overview of the historical development of Peja. The cultural trail contains 14 points of intangible heritage which present Peja and its development in different periods of time, starting from those of Illyrian and up to the present day. Among the points you will visit are: the old houses of the city, the tower houses (Kulla), religious objects such as the mosque and the churches, the hammam, the mill of Haxhi Zeka, etc. While in the museum of Peja, you can get knowledge about tangible culture and traditions of the inhabitants of this city, which are presented through artifacts, as well as the professional tour guides who will explain it to you in this museum.
After you have completed this path, we suggest you visit one of the two natural pearls of Peja, the Rugova Gorge or the Drini i Bardhë waterfall. These are two unique natural attractions which have unique value and are also under protection by law for their geological, landscape, hydrological flora and fauna importance, etc.
The evenings in Peja are fun and full of relaxation, since you will spend your time in any of the restaurants that offer a very quiet environment and a menu of traditional foods full of flavor, while you can continue your fun in any of the city’s bars to taste local Peja Beer.