This path is quite popular among the citizens of Peja for recreational purposes. It is attractive and offers physical, emotional, and relaxing experiences while walking. The length of the path is 6.3 km, with a duration of approximately 2 hours.
The walk starts from the city center of Peja or from the Tourist Information Office. Your walk continues in an eastern direction to reach the regional Police building, where you must turn right to access the Jarina neighborhood. From there, a small uphill climb begins up to the hill known as “Tabje,” where you will pass the “Horizonti” restaurant. Continue following the path on your left, following the recreational signage. After a 30-minute walk, you will reach the area known as Lendina (Ravno), which is 700m above sea level and an oasis of greenery surrounded by red pines, offering a very relaxing space.
From there, the walk can be divided into two directions. One direction returns to the city of Peja by taking the road from Asllan Çeshme. The other direction continues to Maja e Zezë or more precisely to the antenna at a height of 910m, from where you can then decide to return to Peja or connect to other paths like Peklene or Levosha to return to the city. You can also connect to the Via Dinarica path that links with the trails of Lipa and Rusolia.
Chestnut Trail

Peja Recreation Trails
Ascent/Descent: | Distance: 5.25 km |