Culture Heritage
Culture Heritage – Treasure of Cross Border Region
Cultural Heritage
The project is a joint initiative of Kosovo and Montenegro funded by the EU through the cross-border cooperation program between Montenegro and Kosovo and implemented by the Municipality of Peja in Kosovo as a leader and the Municipality of Gusinje as a project partner in Montenegro. The project aims to improve the volume, quality and visibility of tourism in relation to the valorization of cultural heritage and values while the specific aim is to improve the cultural tourism offer of the cross-border region Bjeshkët e Nemuna / Prokletije. Enhancing cultural tourism offer of Prokletije cross border region a process that had followed the actions within both countries on implementation of activities within three project components.
1. Cultural heritage resources analyzed and mapped
The project has implemented this activity in the most qualitative manner in both countries and conducted detailed research to collect information’s of the most representative and presentable cultural and natural heritage values. As the results of this activity provided basic input that next project activities were based on. Studies on cultural heritage resources were based on the research on Cultural and Natural heritage that have included description of Cultural and Natural heritage assets and its importance in sustainable tourism development. This have generally included heritage as well as inclusion of community traditional lifestyle within tourism product developments including expertise’s from the Municipalities, heritage institutes, CSO-s, owners of heritage assets, tour operators and other relevant stakeholders. In addition, the project has recommended four models of tourism valorization of cultural heritage based on identification of cultural heritage suitable for conversion into tourism attractions, the evaluation of its tourism attractiveness and determination of its spatial distribution: concentrated or point model; dispersed urban/ city model; linear thematic model; and cross border networked route. Each mentioned model is based on a specific principle and is suitable for attracting certain groups of cultural heritage tourists, depending on their motivation.
2.Thematic cultural route created
The project created thematic routes as an opportunity for development of heritage tourism, targeting cultural and natural heritage attractions, making them more interesting, attractive and diversified, and that by conceptualizing thematic routes based on unique attractions, improving conditions at cultural routes thus audio and tour guides, improving the visibility and small infrastructure interventions of heritage sites. While developing thematic routes, especially those based on heritage elements like authenticity and local initiation. These routes will serve to visitors to experience a culture shaped by tradition and history, common heritage and lifestyle of local communities.
3.Tourism offer of Accursed Mountains region promoted
The project has placed billboards at the most frequented entry points of towns and tourist information point, developed brochures, catalogues and maps with detail Information on orientation, service providers, pints of interest and outdoor activities available in this area, cultural and natural route map and promotional videos on the Accursed Mountains and its attractions. Additionally, a web portal was established for the Tourism offer of Prokletije region which contains all relevant information on thematic cultural route, heritage tourism attractions, as well as on reliable service providers that will complement your visit.