Accursed Mountains - Exquisite Outdoor Destination

project is a derivative project of joining forces of regional organizations and local governments from both countries (Kosovo – Montenegro) as well as the involvement of other mountaineering, environment, cultural and tourism organizations and local business community in the mountain region in order to create a joint offer between the two countries and the promotion of the Accursed Mountains region as an unique attractive destination for outdoor activities. The project aims to stimulate economic development and create new employment opportunities. Such activities attract high number of guests and create opportunities to increase income of the existing ones and opening of new small businesses to provide tourist services.


By implementing of activities, we:

Improved outdoor tourism infrastructure – The project has established a network of cross-border hiking and biking trails between two countries in a length of more than 300 km, as well as thematic trails. These trails are equipped with marking and signalization which abide by states standards that will help hikers and bikers with orientation and information on how to connect to other existing trails.

Standardized cross-border information for tourists and tourism agencies – The project has collected all the GPS datas of the new and existing trails in the cross-border area, along with waypoints for various tourism services providers and points of interests, and has developed maps that include this information. The project has also created Android and iOS apps which include all this information and offline maps, and can be used on all smart devices.

Increasing the visibility of Accursed Mountains as outdoor destination – The project has placed billboards at the most frequented entry points of towns, developed brochures and maps with detail information on safety, orientation, service providers, points of interest and outdoor activities available in this area, promotional videos on the Accursed Mountains and its attractions. Additionally, a web portal was established for the Accursed Mountains which contains all relevant information on outdoor activities on offer, as well as on reliable service providers that will complement your Accursed Mountains adventure.


The Accursed Mountains – Exquisite Outdoor Destination project funded by the EU through the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme of Montenegro and Kosovo and implemented by a cross-border management team, comprised of RDA-West and Municipality of Peja in Kosovo, and RDA of Bjelasica, Komovi and Prokletije and the Tourism Organization of Plav in Montenegro.

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